Bonus: Robodebt Officers off the Hook

June 17, 2024 00:21:05
Bonus: Robodebt Officers off the Hook
Keep the Bastards Honest
Bonus: Robodebt Officers off the Hook

Jun 17 2024 | 00:21:05


Hosted By

Elana Mitchell Steve Baty

Show Notes

Elana is back with an article she wrote in response to the recent decision by the National Anti Corruption Commission (NACC) not to open an investigation into the referrals made to it by the Robodebt Royal Commission of six officials involved in the Robodebt scheme. This story continued to unfold after our article was published, so Elana has additional updates and commentary on this story. Show Notes:Robodebt Officers off the Hook articleThe NACC’s decision on RobodebtThe NACC regulator’s decision to investigateGeoffrey Watson interviewed by Philip Adams on the NACC’s decisionThe Dutch child care rebate scandal

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