On this episode we welcomed our first guest! Stilgherrian is a freelancer writer who’s been covering internet policy and all the cyber things for a decade and a half, primarily for tech news site ZDNet and before that Crikey. He also produces and presents the podcast The 9pm Edict.
He joined us to talk about a bunch of cyber security and, well, general security legislation that’s either recently been passed or is in the process of being debated, and that might have slipped under everyone’s radar with everything else that’s been going on.
Show Notes:
If you enjoyed listening to Stil, you can get more of him at the 9pm Edict. Elana strongly recommends episode 145 of the 9pm Edict, where Stil discusses Antarctic geopolitics with Dr Liz Buchanan. Three words: Antarctic Nazi Bunker.
Here’s the 1990 election ad from then Democrats leader Janine Haines that Stil played for us in the episode.
And here’s the article from Andrew P Street that Elana quoted.
And to save our younger listeners having to Google the Australia Card, here’s a quick explainer.
Young Democrat Rhiannon Kernot joins us to conduct an autopsy on the final budget of the 46th Parliament of Australia. It’s a budget that’s...
Budget nerds got a second Christmas this year, with the Albanese government fulfilling their election promise of holding another budget if they were elected....
Elana conducts a wellness check on the United States. At the time of publishing this episode the US election is a week away, and...