Latest Episodes

Seasons Greetings 2024
Wishing all of our listeners are safe and happy holiday season, and a merry Christmas for those who celebrate. Show Notes The Australian Democrats’...

34. The State of the Union
Elana conducts a wellness check on the United States. At the time of publishing this episode the US election is a week away, and...

Bonus: Census 2026
The Prime Ministerial captain’s call on the 2026 census and the multiple excuses and backlfips required to ensure that the government ended up in...

33. Nuclear Fantasies
In June Peter Dutton finally unveiled the Coalition’s widely spruiked and much anticipated policy on nuclear energy for Australia. But is it a feasible...

Bonus: Robodebt Officers off the Hook
Elana is back with an article she wrote in response to the recent decision by the National Anti Corruption Commission (NACC) not to open...

32. Budget 2024: No Bravery
Rejoice budget nerds, it’s that time of year again! An episode in which Elana is cranky about what not’s in the budget, Leonie is...